Friday, March 9, 2012

How to Sell a Product

So, a couple days ago, Forbes did its annual "Billionaires List."  All the names you'd expect were on there

Bill Gates
Warren Buffet
Oprah Winfrey

But then one person (who was on the cover of the magazine) was new this year.

Sara Blakely
She is the youngest women on the billionaire list.  She created Spanx.  Most women out there know what Spanx are probably scratching their heads.

I don't want to be a billionaire - well, I do, but know that probably won't happen.  But I just want like 20 minutes with this lady.

I want to ask her, "How did you make your first pair?  How did you sell it?  How did you get a manufacturer?..."

There is a lady who founded a purse/bag company.  (They will remain nameless though because I'm not a big fan of the bags.  As their prices have gone up, their quality has come down.)  While I'd like to give her an earful for the poor quality of the bag, I still want to know how she started. 

How do you go from idea to product?

How do you go from an employee to an employer?

How do you get clients?  You may be the best lawyer, doctor, whatever in town, but it doesn't matter if you can't get clients.

I want to talk to real entrepreneurs, business owners.  And not those stupid pyramid scheme companies.  Someone who started something from the ground up.

I could do something like that.  I just need an idea, some start up capital, a manufacturer, some clients...  Pretty much everything.

Let me know if you want to be an investor!

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