Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Gripe with Christian School Graduates

Most of you know that I rarely keep my opinions to myself.  But I usually try not to call people out on their (obviously wrong) views on life.

But one too many Christian school graduate has gotten on my last nerve by complaining about their poor, poor, pitiful me life.

So I'm going for the jugular. 

I went to a small Christian school.  K-4 through 12th grade.  Then a larger Christian college, but still small compared with public colleges. 

I'm constantly seeing my old "friends" from school complain about missing out because of their sheltered life, lack of education, blah, blah, blah.  So I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and complain.

Because of going to a Christian school, I missed out on:

1.  Learning what sex was in the 2nd grade.
2.  Being taught that I came from a rock, then a monkey, and that I'm only here by a freak accident.
3.  Wondering why Sallie has two mommies.
4.  Knowing that the real F-word was not "fart."
5.  Prom - and getting pregnant after prom.
6.  Drinking myself into an oblivion on Friday nights.
7.  Learning how to hold a cigarette in one hand while fixing my hair and driving with the other.
8.  Having to give a presentation on the foundation of America and having to leave out all references to God.
9.  Being taught how to put a condom on a banana before I even hit puberty.
10.  Being told that I'm lucky if I can find one person in this world who may love me for a few years - much less a Savior who gave His life for me, knows every hair on my head, Who hurts when I hurt, and loves me unconditionally.

You know what? 

I didn't get to play soccer.  I didn't get to be a cheerleader.  I didn't get to dissect a frog.  College was the first time I had to go from "class to class."  I only wrote a handful of papers in high school, but I knew how to write a book report on great martyrs of the faith.  I guess you don't count weekly devotionals to the whole class as a presentation - but I do.  The closest thing to prom I had was a sweetheart banquet where I took my dad!  (And I still consider it one the best dates in my life.) 

A lot of people would look at my life and say I missed out.

I missed out on spring break - and coming home with an STD.

I missed out on drinking and then getting to spend the night in the county jail.

I missed out because a cigarette has never touched my lips.

I missed out because the first time I had sex was after I was married.

I missed out because I have NEVER touched, seen, or even been in the presence of illegal drugs.

And the end of the day, when I stand before God, I'm not sure any of the things that "I missed out" on will matter much to Him. 

I have a great husband that I met at my Christian college.  I have three amazing kids with that husband.  I have a great job - thanks to a great education.  I show up to work on time because I was taught ethics at my school.  I go to sleep at night with a clear conscience (except when maybe I go overboard on my blog.) 

But you can blame my little Christian school for this.