Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy November

I can't believe it's November already.  I apologize for the lack of posts.  I've been fighting some wicked flu-like crud for over a week.  With all this down time you would think I would have caught up on my blog and have some amazing, life changing info.  I don't know if I have anything valuable to offer right now.  Especially since I'm heavily medicated. 

Halloween came and went with much excitement in our house.  We went all-Disney this year.  :)

The kids racked up on the candy haul.  Much to my waistline's dismay.

Oh - did you hear, Kim Kardashian is getting a divorce?  There's a shocker.  Someone who got paid to get married didn't make it.  I was stunned. 

(Told you - nothing of value.)

With all this time in bed, I've gotten addicted to two new tv shows:

Person of Interest


Once Upon a Time

Both are fabulous, and I think the first non-foodie shows I've watched in a long time.

Also, my cousin's husband was featured on a video series by the NRA.  With Veteran's Day right around the corner, it nice to see a well-deserving veteran and fellow law enforcment member get some recognition.


Thanks for bearing with me.  I promise I'll be back with more debt dumping, shoe craving, budget friendly material in no-time. 

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