Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Real People's Court

First, I’d like to thank my sister, Leah, for guest posting yesterday.  She’s an amazing blogger.  (If you’re looking for a funny, weight loss, decorating, mommy blog – hers is AMAZING!)

I was watching People’s Court yesterday.

No – that wasn’t a typo.  I love Judge Marilyn Milian. 

I love the fact that she can tell people to shut up and they have to listen. I love the fact that she can reduce a teenage bully to tears on national television.  I love the fact that sometimes she wears jeans and tennis shoes under her robe.  She’s what I want to be when I grow up. 

Anyhow, there was a case about a vehicle accident.  During the commercial, Harvey Levin, did his little public interview/cut away segment.  He asked a lady who was missing her one of her front teeth (I swear) what she would do if she was the driver of the vehicle.  This woman, apparently so intent on showing the world her toothless grin but obvious ??? vast wealth, completely ignored the question and stated, “I’d never drive that car.  I only drive Jaguars.”

Really?  Seriously?

You only drive Jaguars, but don’t bother replacing your front tooth? 

If you can afford a Jaguar, you can probably afford a concierge dentist. 

If only he’d look like concierge doctor, Hank Lawson, from Royal Pains!! 

Actually, Evan R. Lawson is more my type.  (He’s the CPA brother of Dr. Hank.  Go figure.)

After reading through Leah’s post yesterday, I was clearly reminded how so many of us tend to forego real needs in our life, like a broken or missing tooth, in order to pursue the wants. 

Little do we realize by pursuing the image-making wants - like a Jaguar - we  are actually damaging our reputation.

I mean, really…how reputable is a woman with no teeth who only drives Jaguars?

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